My mother tongue is Korean and I wrote a prayer/poem in Korean - about what's been on my heart. I did my best to translate it into English for your reading. Hope it uplifts your heart.
황량한 계절보다
황량한 마음이
더 심각한 문제임을
이제서야 깨닫게 되었습니다.
황량한 세상 속에서도,
황량한 상황 가운데에도,
꽃이 피고,
열매 맺는,
마음의 정원을
가꾸어 나갈수 있는
삶을 살고자 합니다.
제게 오셔서
이 황량한 마음을
채워 주소서.
- "마음 정원" by 정찬미
More than the barren seasons,
the barren heart -
I came to realize
is a deeper problem.
Even in the midst of the dry, barren world,
even in the midst of devastating circumstances,
I desire
to tend a heart garden
that blooms,
that fails not to bear fruits.
Come to me,
to my barren garden,
till it,
fill it,
and change it
into the life-bearing garden
you desire.
- titled, "Heart Garden" by ChanMi Jung Pyles

ChanMi Jung Pyles is an Christ-following artist and writer. She shares the incredible love of Jesus through channels of art and words. She is married to Brian, and they have two young children, Chaya and Elisha. On any given day, you will find her talking walks outside in the nature, enjoying time with her kids, reading books, drinking good coffee, painting, and writing.