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Writer's picture: Chanmi Jung PylesChanmi Jung Pyles

Hi friend,

Today, I want to share this realization I had as I was painting this week.

When I create abstract paintings, I often use shapers/spatulas to make lots of layers and details in the creative process. Many dots, lines, and textures. I love creating using this method because I get to "discover" something new every time I look at the painting. In a sense, I don't even know all details of my own paintings even though I created them.

But I realized - our Creator God is different. He created us with His careful hands. And there is NOTHING that He is not aware of. He knows every part of our physical body (Luke 12:7). He knows every thought that goes through our minds (Romans 8:27-29). He knows our deepest fears, desires, hopes, and dreams that we never shared with anyone.

He knows us completely.

There is truly NOTHING about us that is unknown to Him.

And (and yet) He loves us unfailingly.

My prayer is that you and I will take heart in this incredible knowledge and love of God - no matter what we face, think, and feel.

To close, I will share one of my favorite Psalms - Psalm 139 (though long), which speaks about God's intimate knowledge and love. May this Psalm speak to and strengthen our feeble hearts.

Psalm 139

O LORD, You have searched me

and known me.

You know when I sit and when I rise;

You understand my thoughts from afar.

You search out my path and my lying down;

You are aware of all my ways.

Even before a word is on my tongue,

You know all about it, O LORD.

You hem me in behind and before;

You have laid Your hand upon me.

Such knowledge is too wonderful for me,

too lofty for me to attain.

Where can I go to escape Your Spirit?

Where can I flee from Your presence?

If I ascend to the heavens, You are there;

if I make my bed in Sheol, You are there.

If I rise on the wings of the dawn,

if I settle by the farthest sea,

even there Your hand will guide me;

Your right hand will hold me fast.

If I say, “Surely the darkness will hide me,

and the light become night around me”—

even the darkness is not dark to You,

but the night shines like the day,

for darkness is as light to You.

For You formed my inmost being;

You knit me together in my mother’s womb.

I praise You,

for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.

Marvelous are Your works,

and I know this very well.

My frame was not hidden from You

when I was made in secret,

when I was woven together

in the depths of the earth.

Your eyes saw my unformed body;

all my days were written in Your book

and ordained for me

before one of them came to be.

How precious to me are Your thoughts, O God,

how vast is their sum!

If I were to count them,

they would outnumber the grains of sand;

and when I awake,

I am still with You.

O God, that You would slay the wicked—

away from me, you bloodthirsty men—

who speak of You deceitfully;

Your enemies take Your name in vain.

Do I not hate those who hate You, O LORD,

and detest those who rise against You?

I hate them with perfect hatred;

I count them as my enemies.

Search me, O God, and know my heart;

test me and know my concerns.

See if there is any offensive way in me;

lead me in the way everlasting.

Fully known and loved,



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