Hi friends, I have some exciting news I would like to share with you. I was given the opportunity to collaborate in an award-winning Christian print magazine, Truly magazine (https://thetrulyco.com/), in their 2022 spring issue, "Home," with my art. The Truly Co. publishes timelessly-relevant, print magazines twice a year around a particular theme to bring gospel-centered encouragement with thoughtful content and beautiful design.

I was honored to create abstract artwork that would accompany a blessing article by Sheena Marquis (@sheenamarquis), which is titled, "A Feast To Remember." In her article, she encourages the readers to rest, remember, and rejoice in God's faithfulness in whatever wilderness we may face just as God called Israelites to observe the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot) while in wilderness to rest, remember, and rejoice.
In response to Sheena's article, I created three abstract pieces - also titled, "REST, REMEMBER, and REJOICE." Through these paintings, I wanted to encourage the readers and viewers to rest in His sufficient grace no matter what we may face, to remember His power, provision, and presence in every valley and mountain, and to rejoice in His redemption and His-making-all-things-new, as we walk with the Lord.
I am so grateful to be able to collaborate with other creative women of faith and also to get my art published in a print magazine! I truly thank God for His open doors and directions. And I truly thank all of you for walking along and supporting my art journey. All glory to God, -ChanMi
