Hi everyone, Today, I have some exciting news to share with you. The magazine, Truly, that my art was published back in Spring 2022, has their fall issue published with the theme, Create. And I am honored to be part of their Create issue not only with my art, but also with my poem this time. I wrote a poem to share about my creative process and encourage others also to create with the Lord. And Truly decided to include my poem (with my own voice!) in their Create issue promo video. Please take a look at the video here!
Here's the text of the poem I wrote, Together We Create. Together We Create
- ChanMi Jung Pyles
Here I am again with a thirsty, yearning heart at your feet waiting for your touch waiting to hear your voice waiting to feel your freedom your joy. As my longing soul is laid out my expectations are laid down I open up my heart I pause my busy mind I quiet my hurried, weary soul I enter into his Immanuel presence. One breath one thought one note one word - a conversation begins I pour out I listen I receive. He calls my name “my beloved child come to me simply come abide rest rest in my presence.” In this creative process yet there are still moments when I begin to forget that he is near when I begin to rely on my own strengths I begin to feel a bit lost a bit stuck a bit puzzled. But in his great grace he gently draws me in he pours out again he holds and guides my hand he shines the light he restores my vision he fuels my passion. I follow his lead step by step in faith in trust in knowing I am fully known I am extravagantly loved despite my doubt my weaknesses my stumbling. We build layers of mountains and valleys together we pen words that breathe life together we build ideas that inspire together we make the story together and in that story making we are – we are together. In that inspired and filled space we created together there is fullness of joy reviving of the soul overflowing of the heart abundant grace – a glorious story of the Creator the perfect Lover and the Redeemer. I am truly honored and thankful to share this poem with you and with the Truly's readers. All glory to the Creator of all things, -ChanMi

Find more info on Truly's Create Issue here
