On February 5th, 2023, I had the honor to collaborate with the Well Church again during their service with my spoken poem and art, "Salt and Light." (My art abstract collection, "In The Light," is still on display at the Well, The Scandinavia House at 58 Park Ave, NYC).
Here's the introduction of the poem and the artwork.
"Drawing from Matthew 5:13-20, the poem is written to encourage His children to shine the light of Christ and to use the salt of Jesus in every sphere of our lives. No matter how seemingly small they may seem, our light and salt can point to the hope and glory of God. The artwork captures our faithful offering of the light and salt given to us in layers after layers. As the gold leaf shines in the movements of the paintings, we can also shine the Light of Jesus in this light-deficient world as we follow after Him."

Here's the text of the poem, "Salt and Light."
Salt and Light
(based on Matthew 5:13-20)
- ChanMi Jung Pyles
You are the salt
of the earth
salt to preserve
salt to endure
salt to enhance
salt to strengthen
salt to point to Jesus.
You are the light
light that cannot be hidden
light that casts away darkness
light that illuminates
light that moves with power
light that uplifts weary hearts
light that is from Jesus.
So on this very day
don’t you hide your light
don’t you bury your salt
despite how seemingly miniscule they may seem
keep on using your salt
keep on shining your heavenly light
for the glory of the Father
who sees you
who delights in you
in your faithful walk.
You are the salt
you are the light
the world may not understand it
but God can multiply our small offerings
so bring your heart to him today
let Him fill you
let Him lift you up
with His salt and light
so the world may see
the fruitful bearing of Christ
the traces of Jesus
in you.
In our salt
in our light
right where you are
with what you’ve been given
may God be praised
may God be glorified
forever and ever
You can see the artist spotlight video clip in the following video - my painting process and poem, "Salt & Light" here! (The full service can be found here - but the spoken poem artist highlight begins around 25 minutes.)
I am so grateful for this opportunity to share my art and word to encourage people at the Well. I hope you are encouraged as well! In His Salt & Light, -ChanMi